Friday, March 17, 2006


Shit means 'ship high in transit' and came about because they used to ship manure from the 'new world' back to england and if they put it down low in the cargo holds it would get wet and then produce a ton of heat and start fires on the ships when they were out to sea and the ship would burn and everyone would die. but if they put it up high, it wouldn't get wet and hence no fire. it's the same principle as when farmers store bales of hay and they get damp and the barn burns down because of it

This is very a good piece of information, especially if you come from a family like mine. You can sound very intellectual at your holiday dinner when the conversation goes south, yet still appeal to the general masses.

Kids are the funniest.

Jack, my three year old, was relaying a story back to my Mom. It is more or less the story of the tortoise and the hare but done with cars. The slow car is "Little Red". And whenever the fast cars leave him in their dust, he says, "Putt-putt cough".

So my Mom asks Jack what Little Red says and Jack says, "Putt-putt cough says Little Red". Then Jack says, "Putt-putt ah-choo says Little Red". And he tops that off with the inevitable "Putt-putt tout says Little Red".

I'm so proud my son has mastered the bodily function sounds -- it's like he is now a full member of the family.


Je pense souvent à toi pendant la journée. Je suis tellement heureuse qu'on se connait. J'espère que ceci est la commencement de quelque chose de merveilleuse et en effet je croix que ça arrive déjà.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Good Books

Read a few really good books lately:

Glass Castle (J. Walls) Great memoir of how to parent and how not to parent -- it includes both from the same parents. It is such a touching book, but absolutely hilarious at times. Almost surreal.

Confessions of an Economic Hitman (J. Perkins) Awesome book that is really poorly written at times but really gives the nitty gritty of what powerful governments in conjunction with corporations and other agencies (i.e. CIA, NSA, etc.) will do to ensure they have their foot on the head of any nation that tries to get out of the pool they have built.

Man Without a Country (K. Vonnegut) Great little memoir that shares a lot of beliefs I have about life and was refreshing to read.